

Favorite Game: Challenge

Fun Fact: Caroline dedicates every improv performance to her dear hamster Jelly Bean.

Caroline Geoghegan is a senior English major pursuing a minor in creative writing. She initially joined the Mixed Signals during the fall of 2021 after realizing she needed a hobby other than buying clown dolls on eBay. When not 'proving, she can be found writing, playing Sudoku, and memorizing lore from Bethesda's hit series The Elder Scrolls. Her poetry has been previously published in Volume Four of Book of Matches and the 2022 Sigma Tau Delta Rectangle, two literary journals you should totally check out now. Her favorite number is 6 and her favorite word is 'esoteric'. She believes in gnomes and living life 'for the bit'. Don't ask her what she's doing after college unless you're offering her a job.